spiritual direction session

50 minute session in-person at my South Nashville office or virtually via Zoom

My fee structure is on a sliding scale ranging from $50 to $125 per session and determined by the client according to what they feel they can contribute towards spiritual direction. Sessions are recommended once a month.

Walking spiritual direction

50 minute walking session at a local park in South or East Nashville

My fee structure is on a sliding scale ranging from $50 to $125 per session and determined by the client according to what they feel they can contribute towards spiritual direction. Sessions are recommended once a month.

Group experiences

The Artist’s Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

  • A 12-week group experience reading and working through The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.

Group Spiritual Direction

  • Group spiritual direction provides a sacred space for deep, holy listening, an opportunity to be deeply heard, and to have our spiritual journeys witnessed, encouraged, and affirmed within community. Each participant will have an opportunity to share, listen, and reflect during each session.

Group Dream Work

  • Dream work opens a channel of communication between our conscious and unconscious self to engage our shadow and integrate what we have repressed into consciousness, increasing self-awareness and creating a path towards greater psycho-spiritual health and wholeness. We will engage the collective unconscious by sharing, projecting, and finding meaning in both our dreams and the dreams of others.

Group experiences are offered both in-person and virtually and work well with groups of 4 to 8 participants. Trustworthy space will be created by following the Courage & Renewal Touchstones with all groups.



Is spiritual direction right for you?

Spiritual direction provides a confidential place to express questions, doubts, longings, fears, and life experiences. The spiritual director listens, asks questions, reflects, and shares practices and resources to assist in listening to the Spirit and discerning the path of the soul. It is a great space to wonder, question, discern, and lean into where the Spirit is leading you in life - whether that be a decision to make, a relationship to heal, a career or vocation direction to discern - spiritual direction can help as you soulfully walk the journey of your life.

Contact Courtney


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